Wholesale in figures and objects

Figures and objects

196 results


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  • Pot with lid goosePot with lid goose sideviewUnlike any other

    Pot with lid goose

  • Statue man bronzeStatue man bronze sideviewUnlike any other

    Statue man bronze

  • Bowl bronze with decorationBowl bronze with decoration sideviewUnlike any other

    Bowl bronze with decoration

  • Bowl bronze on legsBowl bronze on legs sideviewUnlike any other

    Bowl bronze on legs

  • Bowl bronze with decorationBowl bronze with decoration sideviewUnlike any other

    Bowl bronze with decoration

  • Horse bronzeHorse bronze sideviewUnlike any other

    Horse bronze

  • Monk with lantern bronzeMonk with lantern bronze sideviewUnlike any other

    Monk with lantern bronze

  • Chest bronze with decorationChest bronze with decoration sideviewUnlike any other

    Chest bronze with decoration

  • Decoration bell bronzeDecoration bell bronze sideviewUnlike any other

    Decoration bell bronze

  • Pot bronze with decorationPot bronze with decoration sideviewUnlike any other

    Pot bronze with decoration

  • Statue buddha wood from Shanxi ancient templeStatue buddha wood from Shanxi ancient temple sideviewUnlike any other

    Statue buddha wood from Shanxi ancient temple

  • Figure stone Chinese village god manFigure stone Chinese village god man sideviewUnlike any other

    Figure stone Chinese village god man

  • Figure stone Chinese mythical animalFigure stone Chinese mythical animal sideviewUnlike any other

    Figure stone Chinese mythical animal

  • Statue wood colored 26x15x64Statue wood colored 26x15x64 sideviewUnlike any other

    Statue wood colored 26x15x64

  • Wooden capricornWooden capricorn sideviewUnlike any other

    Wooden capricorn

  • Wooden dollWooden doll sideviewUnlike any other

    Wooden doll

  • Wooden figureWooden figure sideviewUnlike any other

    Wooden figure

  • PigPigUnlike any other

    Pig’s head bronze

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